A Year in Review - 2019

I love New Year’s Eve for the same reason I love moving.

Clean slate.

It’s like you get to hit the reset button and tell yourself “alright, this time … this time I will do it. “

Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t, either way, I love the feeling of anticipation of what a New Year can bring.

2019 was a mixed bag of highs and lows, but the last few days as I began to reflect on the year itself, I realized it was a year of growth, which isn’t what being a human is all about?

There were many a rough spot, but I gotta say, I think I’m finishing strong.

Here are some of the highlights:


This year, I did NANOWRIMO and no, I didn’t win.

But I did write 20,000 words, which is 20,000 more words than I had in October. So I have to say, it’s a win for me. For the last year I have been working on a new novel that is outside of my comfort zone and I’m not having an easy time. Some of it is because I’m just busy with a full time job, being a mom and also just trying to have other interests outside of my computer desk. But a lot of it is also just battling with the insecurities that come with being a writer. But everyday, one way or another, I get in front of the computer and keep going. So, here’s to seeing my novel come to life in 2020.


This year I gave myself the goal of reading two books per month. I’m an avid reader and always have a book in my car, in my purse or on my phone, so I can pick up a book anytime, anyplace. But having a goal really did help keep me on task and also pushed me to read books that weren’t my usual. I did read outside of my normal genre, including historical romance, YA and mysteries.

A lot of books surprised me this year, those I thought I would love - I didn’t. There were some I picked up on a whim and ended up loving. One of them was a YA book called SMALL TOWN HEARTS, which reminded me a lot of the book FIFTEEN by Beverly Clearly. I am super impressed with YA novels for this generation and I find myself checking out their shelves for good reads.

For those interested, Goodreads has a challenge where you can keep track of what your read and motivates you to meet your goal. Here was my list of books for 2019.


Becoming a runner often makes me giggle, because I nearly flunked out of high school because I refused to run the mile. Physical education was absolute torture for me as a teen. As an adult, running has become a way for me to handle my anxiety and depression. It took me a long time to discover the connection between running and being happy. Now that I have, I can’t stop, won’t stop.

This year, I kept running, even when I didn’t feel like it anymore. I would force myself to lace up my running shoes because I knew that even though it was the last thing I wanted to do, it was what I needed to do to help myself be a better parent.

I ran a 10K to Christmas Tree Lane here in Altadena, it’s a magical neighborhood north of Pasadena where the community lights up its beautiful Deodar Cedar trees. I swear it’s the one time of year where my natural inclination to be a cynic goes out the window. Check out the photo in the gallery below, I’m BEAMING. I don’t beam.


In 2019, I also bought a home. This was such a huge deal for me, because it was something I wanted to do for my son and for myself. There have been some challenges that have come with it, but that’s OK, it has made me stronger and I look forward to making it my home!

All in all. A wonderful year of growth, baking, running, being with family and friends and plenty of writing. I have returned to my blog and look forward to a year of interviewing writers, talking shop and maybe writing a few personal features on cheese, coffee and cake. The three C’s.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the holiday season! Happy New Year!

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