12 Days of Cookies
A Naughty + Nice Egg Nog cookie
This month I have a deadline for revisions on my second novel, which has been a looooong time coming and it’s also Christmastime.
Which means, cookie sheets and kitchen mixers are ready to go at all times. During this time of the year, my pantry is stocked with sugar, brown sugar and dark brown sugar. I’ve got cranberries in my fridge, and blocks of butter are aplenty.
For the next 12 days, I’ll be baking a different cookie everyday, while I also finish the last chapters for revisions of my upcoming book.
I can’t wait to introduce my new book to everyone. This book has been a real labor of love. Mainly because like all writers, I have had to learn how to get out of my own way, and just write. It has been several years since my last publication, and a lot of that has to do with just balancing life in-between writing.
Being a mom. Having to work a job that pays the bills. I bought a house, went through renovations, and now after several years I feel somewhat settled enough to finish this book I started years ago.
The first cookie I made for 12-Days of Cookies is an Egg Nog Spiked Sugar Cookie.
With bourbon and egg nog added to the frosting, this cookie is a grown-up and I love it.
I have realized I’m a fan of bourbon in baked goods. I’m also a fan of bourbon in a glass, so this isn’t a huge surprise.
In this particular recipe, the bourbon adds a depth of flavor that takes a regular “nice” sugar cookie and turns it into something naughty. Which makes for the ideal Christmas cookie.
If you’d like the recipe, please email me at cindy@arorawrites.com and I’m happy to share it.
xo - Cindy