Weekend Eats: Cranberry Oatmeal Bars

Weekend Eats: Cranberry Oatmeal Bars


Post holidays  I noticed that fresh cranberries were on sale, so I picked up a bag and brought them home not sure what I wanted to do … but a cranberry quick bread sounded good. I started to dig around my cookbooks and blogs for an easy cranberry quick bread to make, but then I stumbled onto a Cranberry Oatmeal Bar recipe and  well, how  could I resist?

I couldn’t. Something about oatmeal and fruit just does it for me!

I whipped up a batch this afternoon and I’ve got a crush.

Really easy to make and delicious.  Although, there was plenty of butter and sugar, so I am going to tinker with this recipe and use a bit of applesauce next time and see how i can make them a bit more as a “healthy” alternative. But for now, it taste like a pint size cranberry crumble and I am a sucker for crumbles!

The recipe calls for orange zest, but I used lemon instead, because I like the cranberry and lemon combo together. There is a sweet & tart component to it that just does me right when I take a bite.

Take a break and enjoy one of these with a cup of tea or coffee. You deserve it!

Recipe here.

EatCindy Arora